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30/11 statement from the Prime Minister – Omicron and booster programme
30/11 statement from the Prime Minister – Omicron and booster programme

In the press conference on Tuesday 30 November, The Prime Minister further urged everyone to get vaccinated and boosted, so immune responses will be stronger to the new uncertain effects of the Omicron variant.
Second doses are being offered to all 12-15 year olds. It has now been recommended that boosters be offered to all over 18s, and the gap between 2nd jab and booster be reduced from six months to three months. Over 14 million adults have now become eligible and will ideally receive their booster before the end of January 2022.

The elderly and vulnerable will be treated first, and then the rest of the UK, but everyone has been urged to wait until they are called by the NHS. To help with the extra push for boosters, more than 1,500 pharmacy sites will begin administering boosters, and add extra hospital hubs. The Prime Minister urged people to not cancel their Christmas parties and events.

Read the full statement

Fines for not wearing face coverings

From Tuesday 30 November, face coverings became mandatory on public transport and in shops. This is already being enforced at some tube stations by the police, reminding people to wear masks and who can charge fixed penalties of £200 for the first offence of not wearing a mask (reduced to £100 if paid within 14 days). Repeat offenders will have their fine doubled for each offence up to a maximum of £6,400.

Read more on enforcement

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