ProtectUK is a new platform that will provide vital information, official guidance and leading advice, helping you to detect security vulnerabilities and connect you with the best resources to protect yourselves, and those around you. ProtectUK has been developed by the Counter Terrorism Alliance, a focussed collaboration of three leading organisations: NaCTSO, Homeland Security Group (Home Office) and Pool Reinsurance. It is a space for individuals, communities, businesses, government and policing to come together, uniting on a shared mission to increase safety and security across the nation.
ProtectUK offers access to the award winning ACT Awareness e-learning training, helping you to refresh your counter terrorism awareness. The world renowned ACT App has also been rebranded as the ProtectUK App, offering key, actionable content on the go. The ProtectUK App is available on the Apple and Android app store.
The new ProtectUK website platform is undergoing continuous development to support organisations to evaluate and manage risk posed by terrorism – leave your feedback
All NaCTSO guidance is now available on and will no longer be available on