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The Fitzrovia Partnership runs a series of campaigns every year that aim to highlight key issues and/or change behaviour. The campaigns are promoted across Fitzrovia to businesses and residents.

Glass Recycling Campaign: 28 June 2024 onwards


Continuing on from our popular Be fantastic. Recycle soft plastic campaign, this campaign aims to encourage streamlined recycling and reduce mixed recycling waste.

Why should I recycle glass?

  • Glass is infinitely recyclable, without any loss of quality. All glass can be recycled into new glass!
  • Because glass can be recycled repeatedly without losing any of its quality, it is among one of the most sustainable materials out there.
  • New glass jars and bottles made from recycled crushed glass requires significantly less energy than that produced from virgin materials.
  • Glass recycling is much cheaper than general waste services, so you can also save money by splitting out your glass.

What can be recycled?

  • Glass bottles and jars
  • Wine bottles

Soft Plastics Campaign: 18 March 2024 onwards


The purpose of this campaign is to encourage more streamlined recycling to reduce mixed recycling waste. 

This campaign aims to change recycling behaviours on a business and individual level across Fitzrovia, by focusing on soft plastics that have to be taken to large supermarkets.

Alternatively, businesses using First Mile can use dedicated flexible plastic bags which have been made from these plastics. 

What are soft plastics?

Plastic bags (e.g. frozen food bags, bread bags, shopping bags)

Seals (clear film from salad boxes, sandwich boxes, top of food trays) 

Wraps (Bakery food, household items, beauty items)

Pouches (plastic used for food and household items)

Cling film



Where can I take soft plastics in Fitzrovia?

Marks & Spencer Foodhall on Tottenham Court Road is our official recycling destination, which has a free-to-use soft-plastic bin for the general public and individuals who would like to dispose of their soft plastics reponsibly. 

First Mile has specific bags for flexible plastic which are available to member businesses at a discounted rate of 10%. View the Member Savings Scheme.

Get involved

Every business and every individual in Fitzrovia can get involved from 18 March – Global Recycling Day.

Just take your soft plastics to M&S Tottenham Court Road and look for the recycling bin at the entrance. 

Or look out for your dedicated bins in your office. 

For any queries, email 


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